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In today’s culture, holiness is often misunderstood and not taken seriously. But when we approach this topic from a biblical perspective, we see that holiness is essential to self-awareness and spiritual growth. As believers, our lives are meant to be marked by holiness (being set apart by God to do what pleases him). Peter’s emphasis on holiness urges us to see it as crucial to Christian living. As a follower of Jesus, every part of our lives belong to God. When you feel motivated by God to live a holy life, you come to the realization that there is nothing in your life that does not belong to God.

Here are 3 adjectives that describe whole-life holiness:

  1. Unique 
  2. Authentic 
  3. Significant 

Unique (1 Peter 1:14-16) 

Holiness is a matter of identity. As God’s character is being developed in us, we start to become “obedient children” that are not “conformed to the passions of your former ignorance.” (v.14) Our desires, appetites, and passions do not become non-existent, but holy. In some cases, they are replaced. In others, they are renewed and transformed. When it comes to following Jesus, our lives can only experience real change through the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit. By trusting God for all things, we are better equipped to step out in faith and live a different way.

Authentic (1 Peter 1:17) 

Peter mentions how God will impartially judge your life. It’s frightening to imagine everything you have ever said, written, or thought of being made public. How we live matters to God. Peter wants us to focus on the authenticity of our faith instead of the appearance of it. Without a proper understanding of the value of grace, you will either become a hypocrite or live in constant despair of never measuring up to the standards of God. You cannot live like God without God first living in you and changing you from the inside out.

Significant (1 Peter 1:18-21) 

Living a holy life confirms the special purpose that has been given to us by God through the redemption of Christ. Peter describes it as “being ransomed from the futile ways.” (v. 18) What we usually place our value in is often guaranteed to expire. Yet through the precious blood of Christ, we are set apart to live for something that will never fade. This sense of significance overshadows all of the pain in this life and provides direction in all of our actions. In every instance of our lives, there is an opportunity to work towards the restoration of all things for the glory of God.

Frank Laubach, who made a tremendous influence in modern literacy, had this to say when it came to living a life completely surrendered to Christ: “God, what is man’s best gift to mankind? To be beautiful of soul and then to let people see into your soul.” Let us be people known for truly belonging to God in every part of our lives.

Riverside Church

Author Riverside Church

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