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  1. RivKids is a Christ-centered ministry offered for children 2 months old to 5th grade!
  2. Our SERVICE TIME is 10:30 am, with RivKids Check-in beginning at 10:15am! Feel free to use our new Church Center App for faster check-in!
  3. Check out some great family resources at the bottom of this page!

If you feel called to serve our precious kids as a RivKids teacher, helper, or admin please email us at

Our Mission

Here at Riverside Kids, we strive to reflect the Unconditional Love and Transformative Power of a Relationship with Jesus Christ.

We believe that the best ways to accomplish this are to 1) offer a safe and loving environment for all of our children — no matter their age or background, and 2) provide a curriculum that is Christ-centered, biblically sound, and age-appropriate with engaging & multicultural storytelling lessons and activities.

We know that building a relationship with Jesus is not restricted to only Sunday mornings, which is why we also want to provide resources to parents to equip them to engage with their children in conversations of faith with question prompts and fun activities that can be done during the week.

We also strive to provide user-friendly volunteer resources, which empower our RivKids Team to be their best and focus their energy on loving our kids!

If you are interested in Serving on our RivKids Team or connecting with our RivKids Directors, please email us at

What you can expect at check-in

RivKids Check-In will open at 10:15am for children 2 months old to 5th grade.

The RivKids team will assist you with printing your child’s name tag and provide you with a secure code that matches your child’s sticker for safe pickup! Please let our RivKids team know if your child has any allergies or special considerations.

You can download the Church Center App for an even faster check-in experience!


For everyone’s safety and comfort, the best place to be with visible signs of illness (i.e. fever, runny nose, cough, etc.) is resting at home!

Please feel free to reach out to our staff if you have any needs, prayer requests, or if there is anything we can do for you! or call or text our Church number: (954) 737-4723

Additional RivKids Resources

No matter where you are, we want you to know that you are loved and supported by your RivKids family! We are happy to share resources to help you continue to guide your children in their walk with Jesus by providing weekly family devotionals via email, as well as pointing you to these other great online resources (see links below)!

Your family is also welcome to access the RightNow Media App for uplifting Christian videos, streamed right to your wifi-enabled device! Click here to get started!

Here at Riverside Kids we are committed to partnering with you and providing the tools needed to continue learning about the love of Jesus in church and from home. Below is a list of FREE resources available for you to check out!