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Bible Commentary

John 14-17

By March 24, 2015No Comments

In the following article you will find a brief commentary on John 14-17 that goes along with our Riverside Church Two Year Bible Reading Plan (Volume 1 & Volume 2).  This plan will allow you to read the New Testament and Psalms once every year and the Old Testament once every two years.


The Farewell Discourse takes us into the conclusion of the Gospel of John.  Some commentators/teachers begin this final teaching in chapter 13, others in 14.  Note, the final section of John consists of this discourse and the Passion Narrative (chapters 18-20).

These words are Jesus’ final instructions to his first disciples.  They are final, but they are also transitional.  What do we mean?  The emphasis throughout is on the giving of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to the followers of Christ.  Jesus’ earthly ministry is ending, and in that sense these words are unique and “final”.  But the New Testament of the Spirit is about to begin and he, the Holy Spirit, will bear witness to Christ.

This truth is profound; so profound, in fact, that Jesus can actually say it is better for him to go than to remain!  These chapters are rich indeed, revealing for us much about the second and the third persons in the trinity.


Author Administrator

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